Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What is concrete pump’s potential customers

You need to be careful about project potential customers
1>.It is industrial structure or civil construction of the building?How long?How many wide? How high? How many floors?
2>.Is the main structure?Or the roof?Or the floor with the mortar.
3>.Every day how much concrete quantity? An interval of several days of pouring a concrete? How many people each concrete?
4>.In addition to the local residential houses what infrastructure and industrial buildings?
Mixing concrete pump is suitable for all kinds of dispersed locations,less construction,longer distance from site to commodity concrete agitate plant.Fox example:10 layer below the group main building structure,building and underground garage floor,civil construction of inclined roof,small bridges,tunnels,water conservancy slope,small river locks and boat lock,electric power communication tower base,small wharf,mine construction,concrete roadway maintenance field sites scattered,engineering the quantity is less,the commodity concrete batch plant is not willing to do or they do not economic construction,concrete construction project site mixed.
Mixing concretepump is with the rapid and flexible,mobile convenience,speed,labor saving features.
If your customers have the small project as mentioned above.Then you can advice him to buy the mixing concrete pump to try.

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